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Versatile Italian Wines To Serve This Thanksgiving

Forbes contributor Lana Bortolot offered a unique spin on Thanksgiving wine recommendations, including Attems Pinot Grigio 2018, based on her own experience with holiday food traditions. Many people have their tried and true favorites that MUST make an appearance at the table, “but where I do find flexibility (and, in truth, a lack of imagination) is in the wines suitable for this American feast,” says Bortolot. It is worth reading her personalized anecdotes on this topic in the full article!

Unlike most other Thanksgiving wine round ups, this piece focuses on Italian wines to round out the feast, noted for their versatility, acidity and minimal use of oak. The Attems Pinot Grigio was selected as a Taster’s Choice, and is positioned as a “PG to change your mind!”

“Clean saline freshness, with white flowers, apple and pear. Not the usual vacuous PG splash, this one is round, laced with lemon and lime zest, pretty white blossoms. Great apertif-to-turkey wine.” Read the full article HERE

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    Attems Pinot Grigio

    Friuli DOC

    The Attems Pinot Grigio demonstrates all of the amazing qualities of the Collio region in Friuli Venezia-Giulia: it has superb weight and texture, and is mineral-edged, savory, tangy, and lively.

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    Friuli, Italy

    Attems is one of the most historic producers in the northern Italian region of Friuli, with a winemaking heritage dating back nearly a millennium. Attems wines have a decidedly Friulian character: fresh, full of flavor and elegant, they respect the singularity of the unique terroir of a region ripe for discovery.